Tuesday, 4 August 2015

Heartbreak Humor

Greetings, fellow reader, I have come back to entertain thee with such stories.
Okay, enough with my bullshit, I'm ready to start.

I'm sharing my feelings here (blog duh), just because I needed to write it out. And if you can relate, I've done my job of making you feel.

Today, I was hilarious.
Today, I made jokes as quick as lightning. Anything to make people laugh.
Today, I was escaping.
I wanted to escape from the reality I was facing because, that's all I knew to do.
Today, the people around me laughed. So did I.
Today, I was dying inside.

There are times, where we just want to escape... right?
Times where, we just wanted to be free.
Days where, everything should be okay. Even for that one, tiny moment.

All of us have done it... right?
Pretending to be okay, when we're clearly not.
I understand, in some situations, you're just not comfortable to mention or even think about the issue.
We're not selfish, no we're definitely not.
We just wanted to be strong, by ourselves.
Sooner or later, we've all got to learn.

I honestly, am so confused.
But, I try so hard to understand. 
All in all, nothing really works does it?
It hurts to see, it hurts to think, it hurts to say.
Haven't we all been there?

People say, "Everything's gonna be okay, alright?"
What if it doesn't?
What are YOU supposed to respond with.
There's no harm in reassuring others, but really, its your story and more or less, 
you'll follow your own decisions.

I suck at expressing my emotions, honestly.
But, I feel, too much. Too much.
All I want to do is cry and cry and cry.
Damnit Adrianne. Please get yourself together.
You know you're stronger than this.

But sometimes, you've been too strong, until one day, you just break down.
I did everything I can, but I feel like I'm always the one to blame.
I blame me. Always.
Doesn't have to be you. Its always me. 
It always makes it easier for the other person. 

I understand my post is too "feely" and probably "over-reactive"
But no. This is one thing I will not apologize for.
I will feel, what i feel.
I deserve to be happy.
Before any conclusions or assumptions are made,
nothing is certain yet.
These are feelings, not facts.

Sunday, 2 August 2015

Too stressed to be blessed

So.... what do we have here?
I'm back guys! Did anyone miss me? 
Okay, I apologise for that.
(not really)
I'm updating after 6 months man, well because I'm really lazy and this year 
I'll be having my National Exams, so not really much of a choice, right?
(actually even if my exams are over, I guarantee, that I probably won't update heh)
So let's get started with the topic shall we?

As I have clearly mentioned in the previous paragraph, I will be having my National Exams in about 2.5 months. 
And being the Adrianne that I am, I don't really feel the scared.
And no, I'm not being cocky that I'm "confident" in scoring well,
but I honestly don't feel the stress yet.
Yes, I'm clearly aware that it contradicts my main point, 
but hey hear me out first ok?

Cause the "inexistent stress" I'm feeling, isn't the main point.

Currently, I'm working on my "coursework" for my Art, (yes I'm an art student, its not that shocking)
and I'm in my last lap.
You might think, "Oh, I guess that's fast?"
Well, not really.
There are only three of us in class, and oh my goodness, we're slow.
We were actually supposed to start our painting aka our last lap, at least a month ago.
and AN EXTRA MONTH is SO important.

Well, no turning back now I guess?
We'd just have to make use of the remaining time to make up for it.
Means, we have to work F A S T.
And having another preliminary exam in the middle of August clearly is no help
due to the fact that I'm only given 2-3 weeks and after my exams, 1-2 weeks to complete my painting.
God, help me.

Actually, I didn't feel stressed before typing this. 
Right now.. I'M FREAKING OUT.
Okay, not externally, but freaking out inside.
Its like the concept of "LOL", but you're not actually laughing.

Well, this "coursework" thing, its not just me, majority my classmates are going through hell of rushing it in time for our specific dateline.
And I'm so glad, my dateline is not so soon, as compared to theirs.
(guys if you're reading this, YOU CAN DO IT)

As you can see, this "stress" I'm experiencing for this coursework SUCKS.
Therefore, "too stressed, to be blessed"

On a side note, Singapore's birthday is coming soon!!!!!
To the beautiful country, I'm proud that you're my homeland <3
I've actually lived in Singapore longer than I have in the Philippines so,
Happy advanced 50th birthday to the gorgeous lion city. 
With that said, I end of my post!
Thanks for reading you beautiful human ;)
I'll be back soon!
( no promises really hehe)